Blog Archives

15th June 2005: Being a reader and writing

The whole “Mundane SF” thing leaves me cold. It doesn’t do anything for me as a reader. What SF and fantasy give me is that moment when I as a reader don’t know, when the strangeness turns around and looks

Posted in Books, Writing

27th March 2005: Characterisation and POV

It seems to me that language choice is part of characterisation, and whether or not it works for the story depends on whether it is correct characterisation for the POV character. So yes, what you’re saying, I think you’re right.

Posted in Books, Writing

5th February 2005: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell is clearly written from an alternate universe where the great fantasy-defining genre-starting book of the twentieth century, after Dunsany, was not Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings but Hope Mirlees Lud-in-the-Mist. It’s not

Posted in Books

2nd June 2004: Reading about people just like oneself

Two discussions today that made me think about something. The question of needing people to identify with in fiction was raised, and also the question of “translating” fiction to make it more comprehensible and easy to identify with. Some people

Posted in Books, Writing

23rd February 2004: The Dyer of Lorbanery (Spearpoint theory)

There comes a point in writing, and it’s a spear-point, it’s very small and sharp but because it’s backed by the length and weight of a whole spear and a whole strong person pushing it, it’s a point that goes

Posted in Books, Writing

9th January 2004: Clarification

[I’d posted asking for recommendations] I don’t want twins, I want the situation where someone takes on the persona of someone else and has to act with people who know the original person as if they are that person, while

Posted in Books, Small Change

15th September 2003: Writing is weird

There’s something very weird about the act of actually telling a story. This is a lot more noticeable when you’re telling a story you know already, as opposed to making up a story. I’m stuck and conflicted on my Lifelode

Posted in Books, Poor Relations

13th June 2003: On Re-reading Trollope

There are still sixteen Trollope novels I haven’t read yet, which is a very cheering thought. They aren’t in the library and they aren’t in print, but they exist and are out there and will turn up one day, along

Posted in Books, Tooth and Claw

5th May 2003: Thoughts on The Friendly Young Ladies, women and class

Thinking about the lack of options for respectable women and the way giving up respectability and slipping in class so totally wasn’t an option in any circumstances, it makes a great deal more sense of Elsie in Mary Renault’s The

Posted in Books

13th April 2003: A truly horrible thought

It’s possible to write an 850 page novel, well constructed, symphonic, and to feel, with the typical overharsh judgement people make about their own writing, that you’ve failed at making one of the characters sufficiently sympathetic. Then, a hundred and

Posted in Books