Blog Archives

24th January 2002: My Ranking of Heyer

Dionywas asking about which Heyer were good ones to try. I think this depends a lot on who you ask and what you like. When I was asking about this I found that ones some people loved were ones others

Posted in Books

7th January 2002: Genre conventions

Sarah Monette was writing in her journal about Bujold and Sayers, and what A Civil Campaign doesn’t do that Gaudy Night does, and a conversation following on from that. There are genre conventions, there are subversions of genre conventions, and

Posted in Books, Lifelode, Writing

5th January 2003: What a Bildungsroman isn’t

A bildungsroman is, of course, no more than a coming of age novel, but I didn’t know that. When I was fifteen or sixteen, I read Doris Lessing’s Martha Quest series, which begins in Zimbabwe immediately before WWII and continues

Posted in Books, Writing

11th December 2002: Pretty good, but not a patch on Hamlet

That was Zorinth’s review the first time we saw Macbeth when he was ten, delivered loudly as we went out through the lobby. This production, by the National Theatre School graduating class, downtown in the Monument National theatre was much

Posted in Books, Theatre