I had to record pain against weather, and found no correlation.
Feb 10th
Bad night. Pain like fire
Waking me turning, rolling.
Zero. Grey. Damp. Chill.
Feb 11th
Weather: same. Pain: same.
Grinds me down, day after day
After day, same, same.
Feb 12th
Chilly, grey, rainy.
Both legs aching, nagging pain
Very hard to move.
Feb 13th
Temperature plummets
Plus four to minus twenty.
Pain less, like a drill.
Feb 14th
Morning, pain not bad
Snow withered, minus twelve, sun.
Later pain sets in.
Feb 15th
Huge pain blotting out
Everything, thought, rest, sleep, hope.
Minus eight, snow, cloud.
Feb 16th
PAIN. Tidal wave pain,
Fire, earthquake, gale force pain.
Both legs. Plus three. Grey.
Feb 17th
Grey, plus eight, raining.
Pain like a stuck car alarm,