New Mexico Train Haikus

I’m on a train! Bliss.
Thin white puff-clouds embroider
The blue summer sky,

Albuquerque with
Its backdrop of bare mountains
And rain. Desert bloom.

Sunflowers? What? How?
This red land intensely green
Where there is water.

Flowers! Little red,
Tiny purple, yellow, white,
And a chocolate stream.

I saw huge gold rocks,
A tree struck by lightning
A fascist billboard.

How can people breathe,
Look at the sky, rocks, mountains,
And still be fascists.

How can people hate
And fear each other so much
And trust so little?

Can’t I just be here
In all this beauty and feel
Happy? Can’t I just —

No, it’s always time
To work on fixing the world,
This beautiful world.

So much to do but
So many friends to help.
The desert’s blooming.

August 1st 2022, Amtrak Train 4 Southwest Chief